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In Detail, M1A2 SEP...

...Abrams Main Battle Tank, from Ammo of Mig Jiminez

Title: In Detail, M1A2 SEP, Abrams Main Battle Tank

Author: Chris Mrosco and Brett Avants

Publisher: Ammo of Mig Jiminez and Sabot Publications

ISBN: 978-84-16949-58-8


A new book from Ammo of Mig Jiminez, and it is an expanded version of the book originally done by Sabot Publications in the US.  More than 140 pages in this softcover book and a simply superb collection of photos to illustrate every aspect of the Abrams.  In addition to the various views of the complete vehicle, the level of coverage of specific details of the tank, both inside and out, are outstanding.

The book starts with a couple of pages of text setting out the background to the M1A2 SEP, including details of the TUSK (Tank Urban Survivability Kit) armour package.  What follows is a collection of first class colour images showing us the tank in detail.  As well as all of the exterior elements, we also get to see the interior of the crew compartment plus the interior of the engine compartment.  Tanks under maintenance include the engine and associated compartment along with road-wheel detail with the removal of a torsion bar for replacement.  There are also pictures showing the trials of the Saab made Barracuda mobile camouflage.  This is designed to reduce the radar and infra-red signatures.

Another handy element of the book is that the pictures are collected from scenes of the Abrams in service, in training areas as well as in barracks locations.  This means we get to see the details of the tank itself as well as others with both light and heavier weathering plus both with and without crew stowage.  That all adds together to make this a book I'd consider ideal for any modeller building a kit of the Abrams.  With the Rye Field Models kit that  features interior/engine detail, then this would be the perfect reference for colours, detailing and weathering to help you get the most out of your model.  Great to see Ammo and Sabot Publications work together to enable this new addition to the Ammo of Mig Jiminez range of books.



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