Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
FlightCraft Special, British Military Test & Evaluation Aircraft..
...The Golden Years, 1945-1975, from Pen and Sword

Title: FlightCraft Special, British Military Test & Evaluation Aircraft
Author: Malcolm V. Lowe
Publisher: Pen and Sword Books
ISBN: 978-1-52674-671-9
This new 'Special' in the FlightCraft series is very nicely done. It is a little different to the standard titles in the series in that there is no specific section showcasing model or available model products. What we have, following the introduction, are 4 chapters, each one dealing with a particular decade. So, starting with the 1940's, it goes on through the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's.
In chapter 1, dealing with 1945 through to 1950, a mix of informative text, archive photos and a collection of first class colour artwork which is a format carried throughout the book. Just to give you some idea of the variety you will find, test aircraft such as Mosquito, Tempest, Halifax, Meteors and Bristol Brigand plus prototypes such as the Saunders Roe SA.1, De Havilland 108 Swallow and one unfamiliar to me, the Armstrong Whitworth AW.52 and Avro Type 707. In the 1950's, the Fairy Delta 2, the Boulton Paul 111, Supermarine Swift and a variety of Canberras among others. On to the 1960's, how about the Bristol Type 188, the Shorts SC.1 adnd of course the Hawker P.1127 Kestrel and TSR 2. In the 70's, another variety of types. many well known though perhaps not in the schemes we see them illustrated in here plus the odd looking Handley Page HP.115.
The colour and marking schemes that are illustrated should give plenty of inspiration for modellers while the aviation historian will I think love this one as well. Rather as the sub-title of the book say, this period really were the 'Golden Years' of British aircraft design, when many of our designs really were leaders in the aviation world. A very good 'Special' in the series.
Thanks to Pen and Sword for this copy.