Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Ferret Mk 4/5 in 1/76...
...a resin kit from Matador Models, previously a Cromwell Models kit

A very neat little resin model by Matador Models. There are plenty of models available of the Ferret, but not so many of the later 'Big Wheel' Ferret Mk 4 and 5. Parts are in the box for the machine gun turreted Mk 4, along with the quite different looking missile armed turret of the Mk 5. It was the Mk 5 that I decided to go for. It has the wider, flat turret which carried 4x Swingfire anti-tank missiles. The boxed launchers can be fitted either closed or open.
Nicely moulded, with clean, sharp edges and a fine level of detail. Once assembled, the resin benefits from a coat of primer before painting. This can be plain green, Green/Black disruptive camouflage or an overall sand, as seen on the example on display at the Tank Museum, Bovington. I went for the Green/Black pattern.


Completed Model

Completed Model

Completed Model

Completed Model