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Hawker Hurricane Mk 1...

...Single No. 03, from MMP Books

Title:  Hawker Hurricane I

Author: Dariusz Karnas and Karolina Holda

Publisher:  MMP

ISBN:  978-83-65958-60-0


Number 3 in their new Single series from MMP Books.  The subject this time is the Hurricane Mk I, and with the artwork focussed on a Finnish air force example. The now established format for this new series of 24-page, softcover books means no section for text giving any background to the development or service history but straight into a series of illustrations/references that are aimed squarely at the modeller I think.

The opening 5 pages hold some fine scale drawings of the Hurricane I in both 1/72 and 1/48 scales, and which do include fuselage profiles at a series of points along the length of the fuselage. These are followed by 13 pages of black and white images, holding a mix of archive and modern photos illustrating all sorts of detail, many with elements of the airframe covering removed, so you get a good view of the internal structure of the aircraft, and these include two pages from a technical manual, noting all the controls and instruments within the cockpit. These are rounded off with 2 pages of colour images showing the cockpit interior in detail. The final 4 pages contain fine colour artwork, the first with the instrument panel in lovely clear detail, and the rest illustrating the camouflage and markings of a Hurricane I in service with the Finnish air force.  Very much a modeller's delight I'd suggest.


Thanks to MMP Books, who kindly provided my review copy.



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