Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
Sdkfz 251/1 Ausf D in 1/56...
...from Rubicon Models
The Sdkfz 251 was an armoured personnel carrier used by the German forces throughout WW2, not only with some 24 variants but with basic variants, the Ausf A, B, C and in the later stages of the war, the Ausf D which had a simplified armour arrangement, with the flat plate for the rear doors a distinctive feature. The basic APC was the Sdkfz 251/1, the subject of this base kit from Rubicon. They also do a separate conversion pack that allows for some other variants.
In this case we have the basic kit, which can be built with the open top, or, as I went for, with the option of the canvas tilt cover over part of the troop compartment. The kit is in 1/56 scale, also referred to as 28mm scale, a popular wargaming scale these days. The kit is neatly moulded and like some smaller scale wargames ranges, designed for ease of assembly. For example, the road wheels and tracks are moulded as single units, with just the outer roadwheels to be added on each side. I found it goes together quickly and easily, with a good fit of parts. For painting the interior, I suggest you keep the upper superstructure off until the interior is painted, and if you want to fit the driver figure, before fitting it to the main chassis. Other that the spare wheel seen mounted on the nose of the vehicle there is no other stowage in the kit, but some is available among the accessory packs in the Rubicon range. Mine is built and painted with the transfers applied plus some highlighting using Tamiya weathering powder but additional weathering such as mud/dirt is yet to come.
I bought mine through Tiger Hobbies here in the UK.

Box art

Back of box


Built Model

Built Model

Built Model

Built Model

Done except for weathering

Done except for weathering

Done except for weathering

Done except for weathering