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Heinkel He 111 Vol.1... from Kagero, via Casemate Books

Title:  TopDrawings 56, Heinkel He 111, vol.1

Author: Maciej Noszczak

Publisher:  Kagero

ISBN:  978-83-65437-96-9


Number 56 in the TopDrawings series of books from Kagero, for the early versions of the Heinkel He 111.  As it is marked up as vol 1 then of course we can expect the later variants to follow.  The opening page gives an introduction to the aircraft in both English and Polish and this is followed with a series of 1/72 scale plans.  These include the earliest A-models, with quite different engines and a more conventional nose.  This went through a series of upgrades, including the engines and the move to the very recognisable glazed nose of the He 111 types used during the Battle of Britain.  There are also 5 pages (including the back cover) of colour profiles.  The final 6 pages of drawings are done in 1/96 scale, and these use shaded areas of the airframe to indicate the changes from one model to another.

This is not the end of things however.  Tucked between the pages of the book are some additional resources.  Two sheets of self adhesive masks provide for glazing on 1/72 scale models, especially the newly made Airfix kit, and some 1/48 national markings are on the second, larger sheet.  Lastly, you get three larger fold out sheets of plans in both 1/72 and 1/48 scales.

A useful addition to the series, and primarily of interest to the modeller, who will enjoy the masks and colour profiles in particular I think.


Distributed by Casemate Books, who kindly provided my review copy.



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