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Heinkel He 111 Vol.1I... from Kagero, via Casemate Books

Title:  TopDrawings 59, Heinkel He 111, vol.II

Author: Maciej Noszczak

Publisher:  Kagero

ISBN:  978-83-65437-36-5


Number 59 is the latest in the TopDrawings series of books from Kagero, this time for the later versions of the Heinkel He 111.  As usual in this series, an opening page of text to give the background to the aircraft and the drawings, provided in both English and Polish languages.  The 28 pages are filled with a series of scale drawings in various scales, including 1/72, 1/48, 1/96 and 1/144.  Most pages hold 1/72 and 1/48 scale drawings and detail, while 1/144 is used for the 5-engined Heinkel He 111 Zwilling, two aircraft joined with a fifth engine on the central wing, used for towing the huge Gigant gliders.  In the final section of the book there are a series of 1/96 profile views which highlight the differences between the variants.

The other thing about this one, rather than just being about a bomber, we see the mix of other weapons the He 111 was used to carry in the later years of the war, from heavy bombs on external racks to cargo pods, torpedoes and assorted glider bombs as well as the V1 missile.  Tucked within the pages of the book are two separate sheets of fold out plans, featuring both 1/72 and 1/48 plans.  Also included as a separate sheet is a single page colour poster of an He 111 with a V1, ideal to pop in a clip frame and hang on your study wall.  Finally, add 5 pages (including the back cover) of fine colour profiles, this is very much a modellers' book and another good one in the TopDrawings series.


Distributed by Casemate Books, who kindly provided my review copy.



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