Military Model Scene
Robin Buckland's
2S1 122mm SPG in 1/100...
...from Zvezda
The 2S1 Gvozdika ('Carnation') is a 122mm self-propelled howitzer based on the chassis of the MT-LBu. This Soviet built weapon is amphibious with little preparation, though is quite lightly armoured. It was designed in the late '50's but only entered Soviet Army service in 1971. Over 10,000 were built and it has seen service with many other nations.
The model is designed for assembly without the need for glue, so ideal for youngsters to get into modelling. Using glue just helps ensure parts don't come loose. It is quick and easy to assemble. Transfers are provided. A simple option is to finish it in plain Russian Green or for a Gulf War scenario, the Iraqi army had theirs in overall sand. Marketed in particular to go with the 'Art of Tactic' wargame system from Zvezda. For quite small models they are nicely detailed, even if some is slightly simplified. Single piece track units help make assembly easy.
I bought mine through Tiger Hobbies here in the UK.

Back of box colour guide

Instructions 1

Instructions 2

Kit built, unpainted

Kit built, unpainted

Kit built, unpainted

Kit built, unpainted